linux知識寶庫/shell/while迴圈中使用read while迴圈中使用read 2004-04-23 15:18 pm 作者:作者 來自:無名 如下SHELL #!/bin/sh cat file | while read line do echo "press any key" read key done read key這條語句不起作用,到底怎麼回事?file為一個文本文件 while read line do ehco "hello"
How to read a file line by line - Kioskea - Online Community while read line do command done
How do I read lines of data in a shell script? | Ask Dave Taylor You can see how the cut program makes this a straightforward task, albeit one that can be done more quickly in other scripting languages like Perl. But if you want to work with shell scripts, the combination of a while read loop with the input redirected
while read line - 論壇 ... :輸出的結果“為什麼第一次顯示BRN的值,還是0??我在裡面應該讀一行就增加1的啊! while read line ... 頻道: 自動化運維 虛擬化 伺服器 儲存備份 C/C++ PHP MySQL 嵌入式 Linux系統 › 論壇 › 程序設計 › Shell › while read line
[shell] while read line最後一行讀不出 - jolly的日誌 - 網易博客 [shell] while read line最後一行讀不出 2013-06-25 16:03:17 | 分類: linux | 標簽: | 舉報 | 字型大小 大 中 小 訂閱 如果存在一個文本${file},使用while read line去讀取時發現,最後一行無法讀出: while read line do echo "$line 1 n" done < ${file}
scripting - Shell Script: Read line in file - Stack Overflow 2014年2月5日 - bin/sh while read line do var= $line | cut --d=":" -f1 car= $line | cut --d=":" -f2 cp -r var car ...
Reading input files by line using read command in shell scripting 2013年6月24日 - bin/sh while read line do echo $line done
bash shell script read file line by line. - a=0 while read line do a=$(($a+1)); echo $a; done < "myfile" echo "Final line count is: ...
Bash Script: How read file line by line (best and ... - Linux Blog There are many-many way to read file in bash script, look at the first section where I used while loop ...
shell - How can I read line by line from a variable in bash ... 2011年3月21日 - while read -r line do echo "$line" done <